
The One With Ambition

No matter what troubles you have, whether it be from school, college applications, friends, sports, family, or work. People are like mirrors, and they all deflect. If someone faces hardship, we tend to deflect it on people that care.

I am fortunate enough to have friends that care about me dearly. However I am unfortunate enough to drag along problems. People who care about you, family friends, co-workers or God are all people that represent filters. They take your problem and get rid of all the impurities, leaving you feeling stupid but also with a realization of what you are did wrong. For that, I thank you.

This week is all about random acts of kindness. No, bullying at our school isn't a major problem but the problem lies in unity. Unity of the people, unity of kindness. Our school doesn't expel violent oppression, it lacks people's ability to talk with one another. Don't blame it on us being teenagers, don't blame it on gang activity. Lynbrook isn't another East San Jose Stereotype. Even though I'm not saying people feel 100% comfortable here, people here arn't deflecting their problems into hate crimes. There is only a certain amount of Kindness and Anger in the world, it is up to us, the people, how we want to execute our actions, how we want to compose ourselves and how we want to live our lives.

Kindness is the true Human Condition
Anger, Greed, Selfishness are all side-effects.

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