
The One with the Summer School...No just School

So I started Mitty on Monday, and that began the end of my summer, sorry in my last post I didnt recongnize the rest of my class, of which is all from Lynbrook, sorry Michael, Rachel and the other girl. So yes, my class is just Lynbrook, and consisting with one white girl that is from Toga, and 2 people from MV. Its fun though, props to everyone that is surviving. I dont know what I was thinking signing up for this class, at least a test/quiz a day sometimes more. Its Day 3 and my summer is hellish turmoil. Thanks for all the guys ex, preston for hanging out with me and watching most haunted :].

So work is getting better, my boss still hella likes me despite the fact that I know her boss.. my coach, but its all good. I think that i should get a sub. :] Ok well back to my study guide, Ill post next week as I am going to Yosemite on Friday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO RICHARD LIU SWEET SIXTEEN sorry I couldent get you mtv. Regards.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

calvin wang
summer school is excellent