
The One where the stress builds

SATS, ACTS, AP Testing

Theses are all the reasons why we developed the phrase. eff my life.

Seriously though, EFF MY LIFE. In one hand I have SATS, in the other i have AP LIT,and in one ear i have my parents and in the other i have Remember Me- Deadmau5 going off.

Are we gonna be the generation that tells our kids... when i was kid, we didn't go fishing, we didn't go to the park. We had really intimate relationships with our TI89s and Calculus BC books. My best friends name was Barron's and my girlfriends name is Princeton Review. Sigh, pathetic.

Honestly, what are we getting out of this, why do we define the shittiest generation in the world?! I don't know but we definitely will not save the planet, we probably wont get world peace, we and might not live to see 65.

Dear College Admissions: Fuck you, you have no idea what you do to children, you deprive us of 18 years of our lives. Yes, at your school you develop an atmosphere for future success, however i can tell you, if this persists, there will be no future generation, Everyone will lock themselves in their rooms, sit with that one light and study into the night. Whether it be SATS or ACTS or AP tests thanks college. When the rejection letter comes, wish me luck in the future because you've ruined it.

Up until this point, Arrogance is bliss
Bliss is defined by intelligent people
Arrogance is intelligence.

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