There and Back again, its one of those bittersweet moments. in one hand you have a nice warm shower and a bed that isn't made of linoleum and in the other hand you have the spirit, the purple and the ecstasy of youthful enthusiasm.
This weekend is Davis+Installation+HC= very very fun.
Today "Black-Kenneth Cole" asked me if I could trust I'll admit I halfheartedly admitted yes. However it troubled me as i reached to find a definition about what it really was. Was it keeping a secret? Was it sharing confidential information? What was it? Who did I really Trust?
As he spat his pearls in-front of Verde I wondered who I trusted, Did i trust Black Friday? did I trust the swimmer chick? Or even my oldest friend "government phone tapping" I didn't know.
My Mind immediatly thought of a sepia toned video with a CEO saying fall on me I'll catch you, its an exercise. Friendships aren't exercise. Its merely Empathy. Its just LOVEYOU, its just rides, its just (1) missed call. Friendships are simple, its not a game, friendship is trust and dependency.
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