Wow. I'm attached.
I have a C in AP Literature because of you. thanks.
However, in the sufferings of a Lynbrook Student, you have to jump through hoops and bend over for that one UCLA Rep. yeah. its college. But honestly I've worked so fucking hard to get where I am, each sleepless night represented by a pimple. Like a battle scar for conquering adversity.
People say "the closest friends you will ever have are the ones you meet in high school"...fuck that. The closest friends are the ones that have perseverance. Its a lion chasing a gazelle, the lion being sats, acts, SATII, AP tests, Grades, Sports. and you being the Gazelle. Your friend being the green pasture, the one with the green field and the flow of water. Its adversity.
a 4.0 for Davis is ridiculous, I don't understand what it is that makes college so hard. Is it the Asian immigration? is this the real baby boom? Don't Know. Its pathetic how i have to sell my club for "academic competitiveness" what about selflessness or even paying it forward.
Honestly, lets just pay it forward. to the old man that needs help with groceries, to the homeless man with the can of change, to the single mother with two jobs. People need to learn how to be people; I'm a strong advocate for fighting global warming, but our planet is polluted with conceit.
The One with Stress
So this article is on behalf of all 1600 Lynbrook Students. What the Fuck teachers. What the Fuck. Its bad enough to deal with a 2200 word study guide, but with a Lit quiz,+physio article+a 14 page stats exam. Nuff said.
But on a lighter note,
All its just life without expectations, we all expected senior year to be a breeze (yeah! one-oh) with a sick homecoming, with fun outings and cherish able memories. Honestly, this year is nothing. everything you make is for yourself, honestly high school is "self-made" Survival of the fittest.

But honestly I have had no senior year memories yet, just a blank canvas, Jackson Pollacked with stress, intimidation and remorse.
But on a lighter note,
All its just life without expectations, we all expected senior year to be a breeze (yeah! one-oh) with a sick homecoming, with fun outings and cherish able memories. Honestly, this year is nothing. everything you make is for yourself, honestly high school is "self-made" Survival of the fittest.
But honestly I have had no senior year memories yet, just a blank canvas, Jackson Pollacked with stress, intimidation and remorse.
The One with RTC
There and Back again, its one of those bittersweet moments. in one hand you have a nice warm shower and a bed that isn't made of linoleum and in the other hand you have the spirit, the purple and the ecstasy of youthful enthusiasm.
This weekend is Davis+Installation+HC= very very fun.
Today "Black-Kenneth Cole" asked me if I could trust I'll admit I halfheartedly admitted yes. However it troubled me as i reached to find a definition about what it really was. Was it keeping a secret? Was it sharing confidential information? What was it? Who did I really Trust?
As he spat his pearls in-front of Verde I wondered who I trusted, Did i trust Black Friday? did I trust the swimmer chick? Or even my oldest friend "government phone tapping" I didn't know.
My Mind immediatly thought of a sepia toned video with a CEO saying fall on me I'll catch you, its an exercise. Friendships aren't exercise. Its merely Empathy. Its just LOVEYOU, its just rides, its just (1) missed call. Friendships are simple, its not a game, friendship is trust and dependency.
The One With Church
Revelation, first time to go to church in over 6 years, the same smell, the same atmosphere, but much, much better people.
Besides today being a hectic today (no fracture or broken bones= 2 weeks + 1 week PT) hooray. I honestly feel that church is something to help me set my life back, somewhere academics don't matter, somewhere where we all have one common interest. God. It feels good to take my mental graphite and cross off that one thing I've been longing to do. Thanks.
(Chris, Victor, H20 Bison and "if it was me") today was fun.
But now I'm off to RTC, kinda excited. I have to pack so more to come!
The One Where We're SEN10RS!
Okay, I gotta admit, this blogging thing not really working out. But thank you VICKI JU- my inspiration to start it up again.
I feel that if i start this up again, it'll help me feel better about some of the stuff in my life.
RTC this weekend, i could not be more excited to hobble in the wilderness. That being said its gonna be fun. POLO- out of commission. School- My grades suck.
Honestly so far this year, I think how amazing it really is how people can re-connnect with so much ease. Some people definitely left the loop, but some amazing people are in it again. Honestly summer was way too short. Too short of memories to form, too short to talk a walk on one of those nights. too short to watch the meteor shower.
Honestly i went to into high school with the mind set: yes, we're seniors we'll own this shit up. Yeah, not so much. Its surprising how many of my friends are people i met this year, and how much i value them.
I never knew that in one week, this guy (song) could be my closest friend. After ******** there was a void, a void that i could not fill. Today i didnt hang out with him because of work, first time in a week. And its not okay. Meeting you made me feel wanted, talking to you made me feel inspired, listening to you made me feel compassionate. Yes, we do sound gay but i assure you we arn't. But this is out to you my man, thanks for being there, thanks for not judging, thanks for helping me out.
I feel that if i start this up again, it'll help me feel better about some of the stuff in my life.
RTC this weekend, i could not be more excited to hobble in the wilderness. That being said its gonna be fun. POLO- out of commission. School- My grades suck.
Honestly so far this year, I think how amazing it really is how people can re-connnect with so much ease. Some people definitely left the loop, but some amazing people are in it again. Honestly summer was way too short. Too short of memories to form, too short to talk a walk on one of those nights. too short to watch the meteor shower.
Honestly i went to into high school with the mind set: yes, we're seniors we'll own this shit up. Yeah, not so much. Its surprising how many of my friends are people i met this year, and how much i value them.
I never knew that in one week, this guy (song) could be my closest friend. After ******** there was a void, a void that i could not fill. Today i didnt hang out with him because of work, first time in a week. And its not okay. Meeting you made me feel wanted, talking to you made me feel inspired, listening to you made me feel compassionate. Yes, we do sound gay but i assure you we arn't. But this is out to you my man, thanks for being there, thanks for not judging, thanks for helping me out.
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