
The One WIth the 16th

Driving down the street, you notice balloons tied onto a clad mailbox, you get out of the car and notice that yeah, its gonna be fun. The Party consists of a pinata, a variety of food, and relaxing in the pool.
MTV depicts a 16th as a bitchy whiny little girl, getting a nice new Lexus SC 430, this nice dilemha ends in the result of the girl hysterically screaming and crying, saying that she doesnt want the car, that she doesnt want it right now and that they had to show it off at her party.
What they dont show, is a boy spending his birthday in a classroom, filling out a scantron, except that that scantron is a SAT practice test, later to be signed up for SAT boot camp. Thanks, a great $1200 birthday present. Thanks to everyone that wished me happy birthday and thanks for the cake, to be honest it was the best part of my birthday. Unless we go out ^^ on friday. kk
im gonna go out to dinner right now, and on another note, probably no HC for me this year or even Water Polo, im sorry to everyone. Lets enjoy this moment yeah?

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