In my whole high school career, I've searched for friends that can actually see me for who I am, this year I just got sick of playing a character at school. I got sick of developing my character, I got sick of having my life story written by others. In light of this I found somewhere I truly felt welcomed, I found the place I had been looking for my whole life.
They say that people learn from past mistakes, I hope I am one of those people. Until you are on the firing line, with the barrel of an AK-47 pointed at your face, you gaze into the spiraled edges and you reflect, was it all really worth it? Am I really willing to risk it all. All in dealer... All in?
Situation one, the card turns up, You have a 21, house loses. You have doubled your earnings. You have everything that you care about most, and more. That warm feeling of being cared about, that warm feeling of basking within the compassion of others.
Situation two, the reflex of the finger gently latches on the the "C" shaped trigger and a the bang comes. Painless, quick, some might even say refreshing. You leave everything you have, once again a void in your heart, you are once again lost, in search of what you spent four years looking for. Searching once again for something that cannot be found.
People gamble because everyone is a natural optimist, they believe that they can be that one person that hits the jackpot. Theres a fine line between greed and gambling. I am really wiling to risk it all for more?